Heroes of God: Saints for Boys
This 64 page book is full of beautiful and colourful illustrations! Two pages are dedicated to each of the 31 male Saints...one side is a full page picture and the other provides a short biography and his feast day. Even the biography pages are decorated with images of cherubs, the Holy Spirit in dove form, and the Lamb. Saints are presented alphabetically in the book. The Saints covered in this book are: St. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. Andrew, St. Anthony, St. Benedict, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. Christopher, St. Dominic, St. Francis of Assisi, St. George, St. Gregory, St. Henry, St. James, St. John, St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Lawrence, St. Leo, St. Luke the Evangelist, St. Martin of Tours, St. Matthew, St. Michael, St. Patrick, St. Paul, St. Peter, St. Robert, St. Sebastian, St. Stephen, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Vincent de Paul. Hardcover.
Item Code: 20467
$ 24.25 CDN