How to accept emails from Catholic Gifts Canada
In order for you to receive order confirmation and tracking emails from us, you may need to add us to your "white list" so the emails do not end up in your spam folder. Below are instructions to add us to your safe senders list.
If you have signed up for our newsletter, but no longer wish to receive them, open a newsletter and scroll to the bottom of the page and click "unsubscribe".
Step 1: Add the email address to your Contacts.
- In the Gmail screen (or any Google screen), click on the Google Apps icon at top-right (9 dots in a square) and choose Contacts (you may need to click ‘more’ or scroll to see it).
- Use the “Create contact” button on the left to create a contact with the email address shop@catholicgiftscanada.com and save.
Step 2: Set up a filter never to send emails from shop@catholicgiftscanada.com to the Spam folder.
- In the Gmail screen, click on the Settings gear on the top-right.
- Select “Settings.”
- Click on the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab.
- Click on the “Create a new filter” link.
- In the pop-up screen, locate the “From” field, and enter shop@catholicgiftscanada.com.
- On the next screen, check “Never send it to spam” and click on the “Create filter” button.
- Click on the Settings gear on the top-right.
- In the pop-up screen, click on “More settings.”
- Select the “Filters” tab.
- Click on “Add new filters” under “Your filters.”
- Name the filter and enter shop@catholicgiftscanada.com in the “From” field (you get to choose a filter criterion here as well).
- For “Choose a folder to move to,” select “Inbox” and Save.
Outlook.com (includes Hotmail, MSN, and Windows Live)
- Click on the gear on the top-right, then choose “View all Outlook settings.”
- Click on “Mail” – “Junk email.”
- Under “Safe senders and domains,” add shop@catholicgiftscanada.com.
- Hit “Enter” to save the settings.
AOL Mail
- Add shop@catholicgiftscanada.com to your address book. To do so, click “Contacts” on the left of your inbox screen.
- Click on the “New contact” Icon.
- Add the contact information on the next screen.
How to Whitelist Emails with Desktop Email Clients
- Go to the “Home” tab.
- Click on the “Junk” in the “Delete” group, and select “Junk Email Options.”
- Under the “Safe Senders” tab, click on “Add” and enter shop@catholicgiftscanada.com
- Click “OK.”
Mac OS X Mail
- From the top menu, go to “Mail” – “Preferences.”
- Under the “Rules” tab, click on “Add Rule.”
- Name the rule.
- For the 1st dropdown, select “any” (ie. “If any of the following conditions are met”).
- In the 2nd dropdown, select “From.”
- Last, in the 3rd dropdown, select “Ends with.”
- For the “Ends with” field, enter shop@catholicgiftscanada.com.
- For the “Perform the following actions,” select “Move Message,” “to the mailbox,” and “Inbox.”
- Click OK.
Whitelist Your Email Address on Your Mobile Devices
iOS Devices – iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch
- Find any emails from shop@catholicgiftscanada.com
- Tap the sender and add to either a new contact or an existing contact.
Android Devices – Samsung, Google Nexus, others
- In the default email client, touch the sender picture thumbnail in any email from us.
- Click OK to add to contacts.